Finally Meeting In Person Again – Successful EXPERT Progress Meeting 2022 in Sweden
After almost 3 years of virtual meetings, it was a real pleasure for the EXPERT consortium to finally meet again in-person for its 3rd Progress Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. The meeting took place from Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2022 and was kindly hosted by the EXPERT partner AstraZeneca. Having its headquarters in Cambridge, UK, the site in Gothenburg is one of AstraZeneca’s 4 main research and development centres with around 3.000 employees from over 70 countries. A very impressive and modern working place - like a city of its own - with a professional technical equipment and a perfect local meeting organisation.
The meeting was opened by the EXPERT coordinator Prof. Raymond Schiffelers, who gave an overview on the amendment, which the partners have been working on during the last months and which has been approved by the EC only recently. All work package leaders provided an update regarding their work progress and achievements as well as the next steps for the upcoming project year. The first meeting day was rounded up by a very interesting guided tour through AstraZeneca and a joint dinner in the evening.
As an EC Review Meeting will take place early January, the second meeting day was mainly focussing on the monitoring results of the last Review as well as the preparation for the upcoming one. The presentations on Project Management and Dissemination/Exploitation were followed by collaborative discussions on the concrete next steps.
The EXPERT partners enjoyed two productive and successful meeting days and are now already looking forward to the next meeting in Tel Aviv in October 2023.